Tool overview: what will Observe -Post-Sortie Database solve for me?Designed by pilots for pilots, Observe -PSD was developed in specific partnership with DE&S to capture, manage and analyse key system performance management information
We have over 80 years of combined experience within the company allowing us to offer a comprehensive list of aviation support services matched by few other companies. These include:
Amber Tiger can deliver complete unmanned platform projects, utilising both fixed and rotary wing UAV’s and drones. Our team can design the service, provide the equipment, training and CAA approved pilots or provide a total operational service anywhere in the world. We have proven success in improving mission outcomes and reducing operational cost in a wide variety of roles including:
Professional RPAS Technology Unmanned Systems Consultant. A recent PwC report estimated that the global market for applications of Commercial Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) will reach $127 Billion by 2020, including industries such as:.
Amber Tiger offers a wide range of training programmes designed to enable your team to perform with improved efficiency and greater focus. Built to fit your needs, our training maximises the potential of your staff, reduces overall operating costs and through simulations and practical exercises, prepares them for all eventualities.
A popular consultancy and software solutionYour entire system’s damage and repair can be recorded and tracked in a single location by multiple users, with Damage and Repair Tracker (DaRT). This includes tracking work on the system’s associated removable parts, which may previously have been overlooked, due to the disparate nature in which damage and repairs were recorded.
Tool overview: what will Resolve solve for me?Equipment issues that affect airworthiness, safety and through-life engineering can often be difficult to manage, especially when those issues are held across a range of platforms from local area databases to emails and hard copies.Such systems struggle to provide project teams with a cohesive picture of key issues and their actions, and also makes prioritisation difficult.We developed Resolve in partnership with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) to enable clear Ownership, Categorisation and Progression of issues across platform, cluster and inter-cluster domains promoting ‘Best Practice’ and complete management of all issues from initial recording through to resolution.