The Fundementals

Drones will undoubtedly revolutionise a number of industries, bring new, safer and lower cost capabilities.

The operation of drones at scale is not a trivial problem:

  • developing a compelling business case is fundamental;
  • safety and security are paramount, particularly flights beyond visual range;
  • selection of drones, their sensors, payloads, control and power systems; providing robust communications and navigation information;
  • operational and data management regulatory compliance; operations planning and management; interpretation of data;
  • maintaining trained operators and assuring reliable total system operation over possibly decades.
  • understanding and mitigating risks

the list of issues can seem endless but Drone Major has a unique approach to overcoming these challenges to deliver commercially viable, scalable solutions.

Our Approach

Drone Major take a 'Commercially Viable Only' approach to every challenge that we meet. We are not interested in trials for trials sake..every project must have a 'Business As Usual' outcome to ensure that you get the capability that you need, delivered in a way that suits your needs and budget...

Art of The Possible

Strategy is Essential

Regardless of what you are trying to achieve, a robust
Business Plan is the essential first step to ensure commercial viability and scalability.  We will work with you to establish a viable strategy and roadmap to inform and develop
your business plan.

What You Need

Procurement Plan

Let us takes you an a journey from 'Concept Viability', through 'Supplier Identification' to the development of a 'Delivery Plan' with clear costs at every stage and options for system procurement from purchase to 'Procure as a Service'

Lets Get it Done

Design and Development

Utilising decades
of development experience we will oversee your development project. Our support will ensure that the outcome of the project is safe, effective, commercially viable and compliant with relevant standards and regulations.

Into The Future

Options to Suit You

We will act as Prime to build
and deliver a capability project for your organisation to manage or you prefer to avoid a large capex outlay by working with Drone Major to develop
and deliver a drone capability as a system of systems as a

Lets Get Started

Whatever you are looking to achieve with drone technology, regardless of the sector, application or environment, we can help.

By Industry

By Industry

Endless possibilities by industry and how we can help you archive them...

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Our Services

Our Services

Find exactly what you are looking for in our extensive range of targeted services...

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Our Supplier Network

Our Supplier Network

Explore the largest network of drone related suppliers in the world...

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Our Company

Our Company

Find out all you need to know about the Company that industry is turning to...

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