tlmNexus Ltd - RESOLVE

Tool overview: what will Resolve solve for me?
  • Equipment issues that affect airworthiness, safety and through-life engineering can often be difficult to manage, especially when those issues are held across a range of platforms from local area databases to emails and hard copies.
  • Such systems struggle to provide project teams with a cohesive picture of key issues and their actions, and also makes prioritisation difficult.
  • We developed Resolve in partnership with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) to enable clear Ownership, Categorisation and Progression of issues across platform, cluster and inter-cluster domains promoting ‘Best Practice’ and complete management of all issues from initial recording through to resolution.

The Detail

Key Benefits
Gives a single source of reference with a transparent, auditable view of all actions and tasks relating to key issues
  • Links all supporting documentation, decisions and associated issues
  • Improves corporate knowledge by retaining technical and operational Issue data and information
  • Enables management and mitigation of key risks
  • Ensures a consistent approach to issue management and resolution
  • Presents easily accessible management information to inform decisions
  • Shows what needs to be done and by whom, in order to get priority issues resolved
  • Presents a complete audit trail. Easily track the notes, evidence, documents and communications that accompany each step in the issue management process