Editorial Feature
A journey with drones
Words By: Scopito ©
The story of a CEO, who believed that you can be a successful entrepreneur and still maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Once upon the magical year of 2009, a fresh-faced graduate named Ken Isobe Falk left school with high ambitions on his shoulders, and a computer science degree in his hand.
In the following years, he walked a winding road, that would eventually lead him to his unlikely destination.
At this point, Ken was working 80-hour weeks, developing mission critical systems for the defense industry, at a CMMI5 certified company.
“I had the kind of mindset, where I believed I had to take on everything, solve everything myself.
Ken Falk, CEO Scopito
When I worked the most, it was around 80 hours a week, and I had three hours of transportation each day.
That didn’t seem like a lot at the time.”
Eventually, this take on work left Ken severely stressed.
“Today I’m glad it happened. It gave me a chance to consider, what is important in my life. What my priorities should be.”
Ken Falk, CEO Scopito
A bet that changed everything
One night Ken was having a beer with an old friend, when the conversation fell on work.
He had always had entrepreneurial dreams, but it never seemed like the right time.
Ken and his friend made a bet; if they hadn’t quit their jobs and started something themselves within a year, they would owe the other 10.000$.
This was exactly the push Ken needed to realise his dreams.

Growing with an industry
In the early days of Scopito, it was all cold calls and hard rejections. No one thought they needed, what Ken had to offer.
However, this all changed when he managed to demo the product for Energinet. As one of the largest transmission system operators in Denmark, they had been analyzing their inspections using Windows Picture Viewer for years.
They quickly jumped at the chance to switch to something efficient. Scopito was in business.
Energinet set the ball in motion. It has been gaining in speed and size ever since, eventually making its way around the entire world, ending with a touchdown on American soil.
Today Scopito’s main market is USA.
Entrepreneur 37/7
With his lessons from Systematic at the front of his head, Ken decided early on, that he did not want to build his business working 20 hours/day.
He was convinced, that there was a healthier way.
Working no more than 45 hours/week, Ken built his company from scratch, while still maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
“I want my employees to have fun at work.
There are other things in life than work.
When my employees live by that, they are more effective and happier.That’s always been important to my vision.
Ken Falk, CEO Scopito
Creating culture
A newcomer in the world of leaders, Ken spend a lot of time considering his approach to management.
He had a toolbox full of proven techniques, but only wanted to bring the procedures that had positively impacted him.
In Denmark we say “Hellere komme galt afsted, end ikke at komme afsted”.
Roughly translated, that means it is better to do something stupid, than to do nothing at all.
This approach what we, here at Scopito, call fail-fast. Fail-fast is what enables us, to be adaptable and responsive to the market.
It is the main reason that Scopito reached its current level, in its relatively short lifespan.
SCRUM meetings ensures that the entire Scopito team communicate daily.
It also helps keep overseas colleagues ajour.
“It was really important to me, that we communicated well across departments.
Ken Falk, CEO Scopito
There is nothing more frustrating, than not understanding decision that affect you.”
All Scopito employees have monthly walk and talks with Ken. The goal is to identify points of frustration, before they become problems.
Today Scopito consists of 6 full-time employees. They are all very happy with their job.
Ken’s road has lead him far.
When he isn’t revolutionizing the industry, he and his girlfriend are working on their house, getting ready to welcome their first kid.
The journey for Ken and Scopito is far from over, and we would love it if you’d join us on this next stretch..