Chronos Technology - GPS/GLONASS - CTL3520 Handheld GPS Jammer Detector and Locator

Concerned about your drone being jammed?

The Chronos CTL3520 GPS Jammer Detector and Locator is ideal for the detection and location of commercially available GPS jammers. This handheld, battery operated device is designed to detect and quickly locate the presence of jamming signals from commercially available GPS jammers or too much power or interference broadcast in the GPS (L1) band.

The Detail

The CTL3520 uses innovative direction finding technology developed by the University of Bath to accurately determine which vehicle or individual is hosting the jammer. Fully tested at the MIRA large screened chamber facility, representatives of Law Enforcement and Security agencies were able to correctly identify which vehicle or person was carrying the jammer. The CTL3520 is considered the ideal complement to an interference detection network in order to accurately pinpoint the actual jammer carrying vehicle after the initial geolocation identification.

  • Ideal for the detection and location of commercially available GPS jammers hidden in vehicles

Detection and location of GPS jammers in:

  • Any vehicle or human carrier
  • Multi-storey car parks
  • Taxi ranks at railway stations, airports etc.
  • Truck holding areas
  • Van depot gates
  • Ports, freight & container terminals
Key Features
  • Simple to use
  • Detecting and pinpointing GPS jamming at 1575.42 MHz (GPS - L1)
  • High sensitivity
  • Visual LCD & LED display of jammer strength
  • Hand held  -  small size, light weight
  • Rechargeable battery via micro USB
  • Battery Low indicator
Direction Finding and Detection Capability

The CTL3520 has a liquid crystal display which indicates the direction of the jammer with a visual indication.  There is also audio signal strength indication. This enables the operator to quickly identify the jammer direction and location in order to mitigate the threat. The CTL3520 is sensitive enough to detect even the lowest power jammers which are commercially available on the market.