GeoAccess - Plant Health & Invasive Species Mapping

Aerial mapping can quickly and efficiently provide a means to assess the health and condition of a wide range of vegetation types and identify invasive species. The maps are a powerful tool for agronomists, farmers, growers and vegetation management teams to locate areas of concern quickly and allow ground-truthing to determine the problems and remedy the situation in much quicker time and make significant cost-savings.

The Detail

Visible-spectrum images captured by the drone can be used to produce plant health maps using the Visible Atmospheric Resistant Index (VARI). Used in conjunction with a high-resolution ortho-mosaic this enables a snapshot of the health and condition of a wide range of vegetation types to be obtained in relatively short time. Plant health maps can be exported as several file formats, including shapefile (.shp) for use in agricultural software; GeoTIFF for GIS and JPEG for general viewing, for use in:


Forestry & woodland management

Site investigation – surface and shallow contamination affecting plant health (phytotoxic metals and substances)

Identification, localisation, control and eradication of invasive species

GeoAccess are currently working in partnership with Kraven Enterprises at to provide aerial detection and ground management of invasive plant species, including Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam.