Coverdrone Launch Bespoke ROV Insurance

By Jess Brown • July 30, 2019We are extremely excited to announce that today we are launching our newest product – bespoke marine equipment insurance, covering remotely operated (ROV) and autonomous underwater (AUV) equipment!Our cover is unique as many other types of insurance can offer marine equipment insurance; however, the majority will exclude equipment whilst being tested, worked upon and whilst in use in water. We can also insure similar equipment that is used within the marine equipment market which can include renewable energy devices, as well as equipment typically used by the oil and gas industry on platforms or onshore. Read More »

How to Display your Drone Technology Safely

Drone Major is excited to announce a new addition to our supplier list: TentCraft. With their fully functional “Pop-up Drone Cage,”, the US-based company has expanded to cover a global client base. TentCraft’s Drone Cage allows companies to safely display their drones at exhibitions, conferences, trade fairs, to name a few. In a competitive market, allowing consumers to view your drones in action and see the unique features is an important advantage.TentCraft’s pop-up drone tent is easily transported, simple to set up, safe to use both indoors and outdoors and it is fully customisable with your company/organisation’s brand colours or logo. With an average turnaround time of 5 days, a product set-up time of under 5 minutes (no additional equipment required) and various sizing options, it is obvious why TentCraft’s services have been used by industry leaders like DJI and Parrot. Their product is waterproof and comes with a lifetime frame warranty.In addition to drone containm Read More »

EuroUSC Introduces SAMWISE – UAS Risk Assessment using SORA Methodology

SAMWISE is a free online tool based on the SORA methodology, developed by JARUS, to support operators and authorities in carrying out risk assessments using a standardised process. The SAMWISE web application, developed by EuroUSC Italia, allows UAS operators to carry out an initial feasibility analysis of their operation and identify the applicable requirements, before proceeding with a full SORA analysis.Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) are evolving towards performance-based and risk-based regulation for UAS. In the UAS sector, the approach recommended by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) is to divide the operations into three categories, with requirements increasing with the level of risk. This is the approach adopted by EASA in the recently published COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for operation of unmanned aircraft in the Open and Specific category. In the latter Category, to be authorised to carry out op Read More »

Global Drone Traffic Leader Unifly Raises €17M in B-round

Unifly NV, provider of the world’s leading unmanned traffic management (UTM) software for drone enablement, has completed a €17m Series B capital raise bringing in investors including Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS - the national air traffic control authority of Germany) and FPIM (sovereign wealth fund of Belgium).  Unifly's most recent investor is Belgium's Federal Holding and Investment Company (SFPI-FPIM). FPIM centrally manages the federal government’s shareholdings, cooperates with the government on specific projects and pursues its own investment policy in the interests of the Belgian economy. It acquires equity in companies that are of strategic importance.  Existing investors Terra Drone (drone services provider in Japan), QBIC and PMV (Belgian early stage investors) also participated in the round.  Bryan, Garnier & Co., Europe’s growth investment bank, advised Unifly on this transaction. Unifly is the leading provider of UTM software worldwide, enabling the trac Read More »

Space Drones Have Arrived

Well, technically, space drones have been around for a while since traditional satellites are in fact drones*.Recently, however, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) showcased a fully autonomous drone system that can operate with zero gravity. The “JEM Ball,” which weighs only 1 kilogram and is equipped with highly sensitive cameras, is already being used and tested at the International Space Station.The goal of the technology is twofold: decreasing the amount of time that astronauts spend taking/transmitting photos and increasing the amount of area photographed. Since it is small in size and easily manoeuvred (both from space and from ground controllers), the JEM Ball’s range extends beyond that of the astronauts. The drone can navigate into small crevices or dangerous locations, sending real-time photo evidence down to the researchers on Earth. A real-world example of drone technology revolutionizing the way in which we live and work. Read More »

Emerging Tech Talks

Thank you, Mad4Digital, for hosting our chief executive, Robert Garbett, on the most recent episode of the Emerging Tech Talks podcast. Listen to the full episode below to learn about Drone Major, the future of the drone industry and a few exciting applications of the technology.  Read More »

Drones and Forestry

The application of drone technology in the forestry industry offers significant advantages to those who embrace it.  This exciting and rapidly evolving technology possesses the capability to capture high-resolution images as part of an even larger collation of data that can enable organisations and researchers alike to better understand and track the health of forests and their inhabitants.Drones can monitor tree health, track animal locations and migration patterns, even locate or communicate with lost or malicious persons. The technologies are far more efficient and cost-effective compared to the traditional methods of data collection. Additionally, agile drones can reach places that are dangerous or impossible for humans to safely navigate. To note a few applications, we will discuss drones in tree disease detection and prevention, wildlife monitoring and human interaction (security, as well as search and rescue).  Read More »

In Case of Emergency Call... a Drone?

Drone Major Group is excited to welcome Australian based drone consultancy Mirragin Unmanned Systems to our supplier cluster. Based in Australia but operating on a global scale, Mirragin specialises in strategic business consulting and drone integration within the defence and emergency services industries. Their goal is to penetrate these industries with as wide a reach as possible to utilise drone technologies to remove unnecessary risk from the people that are working daily to protect and save lives. Technology can be replaced, people cannot be.Mirragin’s consulting process works in two core stages:Strategic Flight Path Workshop – Mirragin’s team will help you to identify opportunities to use drones within your business or organisation to help keep your people safe.The Four D Model – Once an application has been selected, Mirragin will then work with you to successfully implement that capability. They use their “Four D model”: Define (the problem), Design (the solution), Read More »

Wingtra Closes Series A Fundraising Round with $10M

The Swiss drone developer and producer, Wingtra Ltd., recently raised USD 10 million to further scale its global business. The company leads the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone industry and will use the funds to further grow their global footprint and push the limits in their research and development.Credit Suisse Entrepreneur Capital Ltd., Investiere and private investors, as well as existing investors like Zurcher Kantonalbank, took part in this financing round.“We see high-growth potential with Wingtra due to the multiple impressive technological advancements across a range of dimensions, setting it apart from its competitors,” said Didier Denat, Chairman of Credit Suisse Entrepreneur Capital Ltd. and Head of Corporate & Investment Banking at Credit Suisse in Switzerland. “The attractive and fast-growing market of VTOL drones, together with the company’s recent key hires, will provide an outstanding setting for the company’s future growth.” Read More »

Urban Air Mobility: The Future of Human and Freight Transport

The drone industry is as complex as it is intriguing – many people still have the image of a drone as a small, airborne device used to take photos or, in light of recent happenings, disrupt airport traffic control.  In reality, the term drone refers to ‘any unmanned system that is autonomous or remotely controlled’.  This obviously includes surface systems such as driverless cars and unmanned ships, underwater systems such as unmanned submarines, air systems such as unmanned aircraft, unmanned space systems and, more importantly, any hybridization of the above such as flying taxis (surface and air) and multimodal systems capable of operating on the surface of the sea and underneath it and in the air above it.  Mind boggling right?To broaden the understanding of what precisely a drone is, we will describe one of the most relevant and life-changing applications of drone technology: Urban Air Mobility, or UAM for short. Urban Air Mobility refers to the transition away from typica Read More »

How Drones Will Help Save the Environment

Often when considering ways to reduce our carbon footprint, we are bombarded with propaganda that promotes going “back to the basics”: Eat less meat, take shorter showers, bike to work, buy a reusable coffee cup, and recycle. While all valid and likely effective lifestyle changes, we also live in a world with cutting edge technology – and it should not be an either-or decision. Solar panels, electric cars, drones, they all provide us with opportunities to make environmentally conscious decisions that are both innovative and sustainable. Thanks to publicity from Amazon and Alphabet, the examples of drone delivery systems replacing “last mile” trips (typically carried out by trucks or vans) have clear benefits – a reduction in road traffic, which consequently means a reduction in fuel consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions. If a city like London or Los Angeles is able to replace even 10% of their truck deliveries with airborne drone systems, the positive effect to air qu Read More »

Drone Delivery: Think Outside of the (Take Away) Box

In tech reporting, drone delivery is consuming more headlines than ever. Companies such as Alphabet, Amazon, FedEx and even Domino’s Pizza are releasing buzz-worthy statements about the scope and potential of their futuristic delivery plans.Many of the large corporations believe that their projects are on track to commercialise autonomous deliveries in major cities as early as 2020, contingent on Government clearance and standards compliance of course. A few years ago, the majority would have dismissed autonomous deliveries as impossible. The risks – to people, infrastructure, privacy – outweighed the rewards. Pizza delivered right to your doorstep within minutes is convenient, yes, but if its drone carrier crashed into your window? Sorry Dominos, but no thank you. Within a few months of the initial hype, however, regulators and the general public quickly realised that these companies meant business. In the blink of an eye, drone delivery providers conceptualised, tested and Read More »

How Drones Helped Save Notre Dame

Paris used to be a no-fly zone – well, for drones that is. The city, rich in history, art, fashion, to name a few, is known for taking cultural protectionism very seriously, which may explain the aversion to allowing high tech devices, like drones, to operate in their skies.But we have to wonder now if that opinion may change?When Notre Dame went up in flames close to two weeks ago, the world watched in awe as emergency services organisations struggled to gain control over the fire. While this is and continues to be an undeniable blow to history on a global scale, the event marked a significant milestone for the drone industry. Firefighters, desperate to quell the flames and preserve what they could of the landmark, looked to drones for safety and guidance. DJI drones equipped with delicate, yet powerful imaging devices helped to add information, insight and data to the strategy of the crews on the ground while allowing them to keep a safe distance from the scene. Utilising images an Read More »

For Aerobility, the Sky is the Limit...

Drone Major Group is excited to partner with Aerobility, a registered charity that offers disabled people (without exception) the opportunity to fly and participate in aviation-based activities. Over the past 25 years, the Aerobility team has tirelessly worked to remove significant barriers to enable those with physical, learning or mental health impairments to feel a sense of achievement, accomplishment, pride and freedom.When they started in 1993, Aerobility was a simple organisation with a small team and limited space and equipment. Today, the charity has grown to include a fleet of five aircraft, classroom space for instruction and locations in several major UK cities. Every year, Aerobility helps over 900 disabled individuals to develop the life skill of aviation to not only build their confidence but also their chances of future employment within the industry. For people who live a life full of “No’s,” Aerobility serves as a fundamental “Yes” – proving to these indivi Read More »

SKYCORP & The Bionic Eye: Upgrade Your Drone System with Hydrogen Technology

SKYCORP, a Drone Major supplier and the provider of Europe’s only commercially available hydrogen drone (e-Drone Zero) has recently announced a joint service relationship with The Bionic Eye – a project they are calling H2DroneUnlock. This strategic collaboration will provide current drone hardware providers with the opportunity to revolutionise their offerings with the integration of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered system.To SKYCORP, the benefits of Hydrogen Fuel Cell power (as opposed to traditional LiPO batteries) include the following: 3+ times longer flight endurance on multicopters Refuelling reduced to 1-2 minutes Improved workflow Improved flight characteristics Zero emissions Read More »

Fly Your Drone Safely with Moonrock Insurance and Consortiq

Moonrock Insurance, a Drone Major Group supplier, is excited to announce a new partnership with Consortiq to promote safer drone flying for all of Moonrock's customers. The details of Moonrock's news are below: Drone safety hit the news in dramatic style in December. Christmas travel plans for thousands were disrupted and ruined, following sights of a drone flying in restricted airspace around Gatwick Airport. Following that incident, calls for greater restrictions on the use of drones resulted in the government announcing new powers for the police when it comes to drone use including the use of fixed penalty notices. What impact the new rules will have is unclear with further disruption experienced at Heathrow on 8 January following more drone sightings. Read More »

What 5G Means for the Drone Industry

5G has been the subject of significant recent media scrutiny, with critics claiming that the high frequency, ultra-fast service is dangerous to overall health, while supporters assert its potential to revolutionise life as we know it by offering 10-20x faster internet speeds than its predecessor, 4G. Regardless of what side you may fall on, it is important to understand the basics of what 5G is and how, if implemented, it could affect activities like drone use.So, what is 5G? In the most basic sense, 5G is the next generation of internet connectivity. It dramatically increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the pre-existing radio spectrum, allowing more users to access the network simultaneously, whilst maintaining a strong and fast connection. Essentially, 5G means a stronger mobile internet connection, lightning fast web searches and almost immediate connection between users, especially in condensed urban areas. The applications are vast, ranging from seamless data sharing betwe Read More »

Are Drones the Farm Aids of the Future?

The days of small, recreational drones are long behind us, with commercial applications of drone technology expanding at an exciting, and often unforeseen, pace. It seems that every day there is a new prototype, a new business or a new application for drone and counter-drone technology, further sparking public interest in the true capabilities of this revolutionary technology.A recent, and very applicable, development comes in the form of crop monitoring. In previous years, monitoring large crops fields required large-scale piloted aircraft and bulky sensors; however, the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution” has introduced technologies that promise to make personal and professional tasks far more accessible. Drones are an important component of this revolution, as their applications in farming are producing substantial benefits for both farmers and the wider population.UAV’s equipped with advanced imaging sensors are now able to scan expansive fields and give detailed reports Read More »

Robert Garbett on Start-Up Funding and Business Planning

The world today is fast paced, innovative and highly competitive. At times it seems that regulations cannot keep pace with inventors and at other times it is the case that inventors cannot keep pace with each other. Everyone is scrambling to create their own break through, hoping to bring to life a concept never before thought possible. Having recently gone through the Start-up phase ourselves, Drone Major knows that creating unique ideas is challenging… but finding funding should not be. To merge this gap and help other new, young companies, Drone Major has partnered with financial services provider, Swoop.LISTEN HERE TO THE PODCAST>LISTEN HERE TO THE PODCAST> In this episode of The Drone Major Podcast, Robert Garbett, the Chief Executive, discusses his own experience with building a Start-Up from a simple idea to a formalised business plan. He speaks on the importance of a full-spectrum team – people to produce the creative ideas and people to logically consider the financial Read More »

A SKYCORP announcement - e-Drone Zero - 2019 Deliveries

A SKYCORP announcement - e-Drone Zero - 2019 Deliveries Almost 3 months have passed since the unveiling of Europe’s first commercially available hydrogen powered drone e-Drone Zero in London’s Commercial UAV Show last November by SKYCORP and we would like to start off by thanking everyone for the tremendously overwhelmingly positive feedback and response. Read More »