YellowScan - LiveStation - Real time in-flight monitoring solution

A must for long endurance or complex LiDAR flights

The YellowScan LiveStation enables you to monitor in real-time the validity and quality of the data being collected by YellowScan LiDAR systems.

The Detail

Live 3D pointcloud visualization

The LiveStation provides system operators with the immediate and relevant information needed to ensure a smooth acquisition even in difficult working conditions.

View your LiDAR data in real time

The LiveStation provides a three-dimensional representation of the pointcloud during flight, with the ability to zoom, translate or rotate.

Cutting edge visualization design

The user interface gives you an immediate summary of the system’s status. The transect view easily allows the operator to check in real-time whether the LiDAR can penetrate a forest’s canopy and sample the ground.

  • Live visualization

Pointcloud (top or 3D view), Flight trajectory, Transect (LiDAR position, first and last echoes)

  • Mission replay

Missions can later be replayed for analyzing flight conditions and data.

  • Navigation controls & status

IMU & GNSS, Speed, flight height & attitude, Elapsed Time, Radio signal

  • Viewer parameters

Point size and color, quick preset views